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  transport services lease of industrial premises parking services for drivers

Transporting paletized goods
within the Slovak republic
and the entire Europe.
In cases, when the time is not what you can spare, we can manage transportation of your components in time by air from your supplier to your production and from your ware-
house to your customer.
To optimize your transport expenses we can provide you with „collect and ship“ container service to have your components delivered from your supplier to you
or from you to your

Transport services

The transport department at Praktik s.r.o. provides complex range of services associated with each kind of palletized goods transport as well as combination of each kind of transport to achieve high level of costs optimalization, the highest level possible of transport safety and to strictly cope with loading and unloading terms given.

The organization owns 16.000 m2 of industrial ground including 500 m2 of warehousing premises to cover logistic services. Logistcs may cover services upon client´s request such as goods palletizing and warehousing when unloaded from container and delivering to client according to JIT/JIS afterwards. Furthermore, services such as packaging, labelling, sorting may be handled upon request. For logistics needs is a project prepared that counts on expansion of warehousing premises for additional 3000 m2 which can be concluded within 3 months after initialisation.
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