The building was built by Praktik s.r.o. in 2001 for the purpose of retail and wholesale distribution center of house textile goods for west and middle Slovak market and retail of IT devices. Building has been built with Hebel system surrounding steel-concrete core structure and is covered with Rannila roofing system. Modern plastic windows were fitted to the building to decrease consumption of heating energy and to isolate offices from outside noise. Part of offices is fitted with airconditioning.
Building takes 1500 m
2 of construction ground and entire useful area is 3000 m
2 divided into two floors. First floor includes productional and warehousing area together with logistics department. On the second floor are situated offices, kitchen with large canteen and social facilities as well as additional productional and warehousing areas. Second floor also contains segregate automated gas heating system, which provides heating to the entire building. Water heating is managed by automated gas boiler. An elevator with max. loading capacity of 1000 kg connects two floors.
Parking and manipulation area with size of around 1500 m
2 is part of a building lease or according to client´s requirements.
Building has its own electricity, gas and water supply network where client signs own contract with power suppling company except water supplies. Water is connected to main supply network and building has it own measuring device according to which is water consumption billed to the client.
Operating costs of the building depend on usage and amount of personnel associated with production. Personnel capacity has been projected to 50 employees on one shift.
contact us for enquiry regarding vaccancy of premises, price for lease or to arrange inspection appointment.